Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Is Crime A Form Of Liberty?

Crime is not a moral but a legal concept. Philosophers and social scientist have viewed it from a number of perspectives – as a reflection of consensual norms, as the justification for an oppressive means of control imposed on the free individual by hypocritical social elite, or as a conceptual guide for an impersonal bureaucracy […]

The Democracy of Objects

Ordinarily, upon hearing the word “object”, the first thing we think is “subject”. Our second thought, perhaps, is that objects are fixed, stable and unchanging, and therefore to be contrasted with events and processes. The object, we are told, is that which is opposed to a subject, and the question of the relation between the […]

Real Time Systems

Presently it will be accepted that art is an archaic information processing system, characteristically Byzantine rather than inefficient. To emphasize this cybernetic analogy, programming the art system involves some of the same features found in human brains and in large computer systems. Its command structure is typically hierarchical. At the basic level artists are similar […]

Matter, Scale and Accident

Simians, Cyborgs, and Women

This chapter is an effort to build an ironic political myth faithful to feminism, socialism, and materialism. Perhaps more faithful as blasphemy is faithful, than as reverent worship and identification. Blasphemy has always seemed to require taking things very seriously. I know no better stance to adopt from within the secular-religious, evangelical traditions of United States politics, including the politics […]

On speculative design

The contemporary project of Design (inclusive of SD) is situated by new materials and material forms. The emergence of “modern” Design is concurrent with the emergence of the materials, processes and technologies of mass production and distribution: plastics, metals, molding, modeling, printing, stamping, shipping, replicating, stacking, etc. For the Design of what Reyner Banham called […]

Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics



When civilization [population] increases, the available labor again increases. In turn, luxury again increases in correspondence with the increasing profit, and the customs and needs of luxury increase. Crafts are created to obtain luxury products. The value realized from them increases, and, as a result, profits are again multiplied in the town. Production there is […]

Notes Alpha

Notes άγρια νύχτα

The Making of a Craftsman

If there is a name which I would like to copyright, it is the name -“craftsman”. It is a name which places a tremendous responsibility on those who claim it. When I say that the papers we have heard were prepared in a craftsman like way I am saying what I feel – that a […]